Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 9 - Time to go home

Much to my sadness, it was time to go home. I was looking forward to seeing my kittys again, I did miss them very much. But I wasn't looking forward to the same old grind you leave behind when your on vacation. We packed up the night before so all we had to do was eat breakfast. Cabanas, one last time. We went back to our room and hung out on the veranda until Customs would let us off the ship. We thought we saw manatees or dolphins in the water. We were finally cleared and got off the ship with no problems. We caught our shuttle and we had the same driver that took us to port. He again, had funny stories to bring us back into the real world (like we can't just show up and eat breakfast anywhere and leave without paying). I told the kids before we got off the shuttle to look around and make sure we didn't leave anything behind and Donovin found a $50 Jamacian bill! Lucky!!! The next big question in our minds (beside when we would be going on a cruise again) was the car going to start. I'm not sure if I was happy or not, but it did. Wild fires were going through Orlando at this time and we hit a lot of the smoke from them. Luckly the airport was far enough away, the flights were not affected. At the airport in plenty of time, we waited for our flight and reflected on our wonderful trip.

Finally home, I hugged my girls. I do love being on vacation, but coming home is nice too. I am truly grateful that we are able to do these trips for my boys. They are truly wonderful, kind and hard working children and deserve to have a wonderful childhood. They are such joys in my life and I truly love every minute that I spend with them. I am the luckest Mom in the world and I thank God everyday for the joys in my life, my kids, my husband, my family, my life.

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