Monday, April 4, 2011

Oh yeah, my new camera!

Well, I've actually spent some money this weekend and ordered a new camera! And as hard as it was to buy it (I HATE spending money on something just for me) and going a little over budget (ok, it was a lot over budget, but don't tell my hubby! I'll make up the difference using grocery coupons so send some my way!) I am very excited to get it! I've been tracking it and right now it is somewhere in Ohio. It is a Nikon, my favorite brand. I received a Nikon from my parents when we got married. It was a point and shoot, and took film. I took the most wonderful memories with that camera. Most of my childrens pics, my favorite pics, were with that camera. I was devistated when it couldn't be fixed for the last time. After the Nikon, I've had other point and shoot digital cameras like Canon and Kodak, but I never felt as good about those pictures as I ever did over that Nikon. Although the Canon did me well on the Road Trip from Vegas to Colorado a few years back. But this time I went all out and bought a Nikon D3100 digital SLR camera! And I will be determened to use it to it's full potential and might even take a class or two. I can't wait, so be prepared to see some pictures soon. The tracking says it should be here by Friday!

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