Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Niagara Falls 2010

It was a hard decision as to where to stay in Niagara. I did a lot of research for this trip, and went back and forth as to which side to stay on. Most research led me to the Canadian side. It had more to do, better view, etc. I decided to split the trip, a few days on the American side (I also wanted to help our economy in my own small way) and a few days on the Canadian side, and I have to say it worked out perfectly. I LOVED the American side and when/if we go again, I would spend more time there. There wasn't a lot of nightlife or gimmik shops, it was more of a park setting, which is what Niagara Falls is, a state park. The grounds were beautiful, and you got closer to the falls then on the Canadian side. On the Canadian side, there was a lot more people, crowds, noise, lights, shops and it was a lot more expensive! We were surprised as the cost of food/beverages, which was about double, then on the American side. If we were not staying at the Great Wolf Lodge, I would have been miserable. It was a little ways out from the falls, which also meant it was away from all the distractions. And all those distractions took away from the beauty of the falls. My two cents, the American side, hands down, the best side for visiting Niagara Falls. We traveled by car from Portland to Niagara Falls, staying about half way at Howe Caverns, NY. Where we visited, of course, Howe Caverns. Here are just a few pics, the first one are the boys outside of the entrance of Howe Caverns, the Howe Caverns motocycle built for them by Orange County Choppers. OCC actually made two of them for the owner of Howe Caverns, one on display and one that he rides. Then the boys down in the cavern. It was really a neat place to visit, there was a small river that ran underground and we actually took a boat ride through part of the cavern.

This is the view outside of our hotel room on the American side of Niagara Falls. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express, and I would stay there again. Wonderful staff, walking distance to everything, indoor pool. It had everything we needed.

American side Niagara Falls Park

The Aquarium......can you tell my guys have a thing with sharks!

Cave of the winds, this was a blast (no pun intended)! Maid of the Mist, awesome fun!

We met this band at the Hard Rock Cafe, they were the winners of a local radio contest, which sent them over to London to open for Paul McCartney. I can't remember the bands name, I'll have to ask my kids?

Onto the Canadian side, we stayed at the Great Wolf Lodge in Ontario. I absolutely love Great Wolf Lodge. We have only stayed at two, here and Williamsburg, VA, and loved them both. Very clean all over, rooms are nice, staff is very friendly. And the water park is quite large, you don't feel too crowded.

Canadian side of the falls....

These pictures were taken from a stop on our way to the Canadian side.

The family portrait.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Oh yeah, my new camera!

Well, I've actually spent some money this weekend and ordered a new camera! And as hard as it was to buy it (I HATE spending money on something just for me) and going a little over budget (ok, it was a lot over budget, but don't tell my hubby! I'll make up the difference using grocery coupons so send some my way!) I am very excited to get it! I've been tracking it and right now it is somewhere in Ohio. It is a Nikon, my favorite brand. I received a Nikon from my parents when we got married. It was a point and shoot, and took film. I took the most wonderful memories with that camera. Most of my childrens pics, my favorite pics, were with that camera. I was devistated when it couldn't be fixed for the last time. After the Nikon, I've had other point and shoot digital cameras like Canon and Kodak, but I never felt as good about those pictures as I ever did over that Nikon. Although the Canon did me well on the Road Trip from Vegas to Colorado a few years back. But this time I went all out and bought a Nikon D3100 digital SLR camera! And I will be determened to use it to it's full potential and might even take a class or two. I can't wait, so be prepared to see some pictures soon. The tracking says it should be here by Friday!

Fish Extender

I am still working on our Disney Fish Extenders (FE). This will be our first time joining in. A Fish Extender is a "mailbox" type item that you hang outside of your stateroom. They are usually homemade and are called Fish Extenders because that is what they are hung on, a fish. (Well, a fish on the Magic and Wonder, I think a seahorse on the Dream). On the Disboard, you join in on the FE with fellow cruisers that are on the same cruise as you. I've heard that on some FE's you get the list of all that are joined in and you can give to whoever you want to how many you want. There could be quite a few on this list. On our cruise, a wonderful person has offered to provide us all with a spread sheet of the names/ages/sex of those joined, and a date we exchange and it is with only one other cabin, so you don't have to bring a lot of FE items. They can be big or small, store bought or home made, whatever you feel you want to do. I plan on trying to do something homemade and go to a local candy shop and by chocolate from Maine. Who doesn't like chocolate?! I will post pics of the FE when I get it done. Our trip feels so far away, but it will come up quick!